SKU Detection on Mobile Browser

SKU Detection on Mobile Browser

A web browser based SKU detection solution which can be used in a scenarios where Downloading and Installing an App is a challenge and on the go users can just access this by URL in any web browsers. The best use case of this solution is where users are trying detect SKUs in realtime with non-frequent usage. Once SKU is detected, it can be showcased with various information about the SKU.

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Why SKU Detection on Mobile Browser?


Less cost of application
development than
the native app development


Users prefer web application
over native apps
when it comes to try-out first


Faster go-to-market
for your solution
than the native app

How does it work?

work 1

Scan QR

Users finds the url either by scanning a QR code or listed in the retail store. The URL brings the web App instantly with less data/memory for the mobile phone.

Shelf Scan

Once consumers open the URL in web browser, it opens the camera which starts looking for the SKUs in the shelf. Consumers have to just move from one edge to other along the aisle. Once the items are found, they’re automatically highlighted.

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More Information

Once the items are highlighted during the scan, users can tap and see more details about the items. They can also check out promotions and different offers related to the items.

Need advice on how to implement SKU Detection on Mobile Browser?

Talk to our expert to understand how brands/retailers enable users to find/search SKUs in the retail store and enhance sales

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